Update Portal Settings

To access: Setup > Portal Settings

The Portal Settings page allows you to specify settings that will be used through the Election Worker Portal. This will typically be a one time setup step unless your county processes change or you need to make an email change. Portal Settings allow the user to set the:

  • Max class reschedules
  • Max shifts allowed
  • Email addresses for outgoing messages
  • Warning and communication alerts

Field Description
Portal Image (County Seal/Logo) Upload an image to display on the top-left corner of the page. The picture will auto size and fit in the space at the top of the portal. This image will be displayed for both admin and election workers.
Election Portal Title The name of the portal that appears beside the image and shows as the header of the system for both the admin and election workers. It also appears as the sender of the emails sent by the system.
LMS URL If your county uses a Learning Management System (LMS) that election workers will use to complete classes, enter the URL here. When election workers are enrolled in an online class, they can log in to EWP and click Take Now to go directly to the LMS URL to complete the course.
Allow Workers to schedule classes

Allow workers to choose which class offerings they can attend. When a worker is eligible for a class offering, the worker will see the Enroll button (In Person class type) or the Take Now (Online class type) button next to the class offerings to choose from. 

If your county does not want workers to select a class offering, make sure to clear this option. When cleared, you can manually invite workers to a class or have them Request Enrollment. This sends an email to the email address in the Student Request/Notifications Email Address field.

Max class reschedules The number of times a worker can change their class offerings before the Enroll button changes to Request Enrollment. This option is suggested for counties that allow workers to schedule their classes.
Max shifts a worker is allowed The maximum number of shifts an election worker can be scheduled for per election. When the maximum shifts have been met, the worker’s name will appear highlighted in red on the election schedule. The admin will have the option to continue and assign the work or cancel to find a different worker.
Hide Work Reschedule Button

When enabled, election workers will not have the ability to ask to reschedule their shift. This option can only be used when the Allow Accept or Decline of Work Assignments is selected.

Enable this option to give workers the ability to accept or decline work assignments but not be able to reschedule their worker assignments through the system.

Days Reschedule Button is Hidden This option appears only when the Hide Work Reschedule button is enabled. Your county can set how many days before an election an election worker can request to reschedule their shift.
View Work Assignments Only

Select the options you'd like to be available to workers, such as the ability to request changes or accept and decline published work assignments.

  • View Work Assignments Only—Workers can see their work assignments but they are restricted from making any changes. When this option is selected:
    • The Accept and Published icons are hidden on the Schedule page.
    • The Accept, Reject, and Reschedule options are hidden on the worker's page.
    • Publishing assignments for a location automatically changes the Reserved Pollworkers status to Accepted.
  • Allow Request Change to Work Assignments—Gives workers the options of rescheduling assignments, when needed. When this option is selected:
    • The Accept and Published icons are hidden on the Schedule page.
    • The Reschedule option is available on the worker's page. (The Accept and Reject buttons are hidden.)
    • Publishing assignments for a location automatically changes the Reserved Pollworkers status to Accepted.
  • Allow Accept or Decline of Work Assignments—Sets work assignments initially to a reserved status. When assignments are published, they are changed to a pending status, awaiting a response from the worker(s). Workers can then respond using the Accept, Reject, and Reschedule* options.
Note: *If Hide Work Reschedule Button is enabled, workers do not have the option to reschedule.
Outgoing Email Address The email address used for sending system emails. Contact VR Systems to configure this option. VR will need permission to send emails on your behalf and will need your email providers permission to do so.
Student Request/Notifications Email Address

The recipient email addresses for student interaction emails.

Email addresses entered in this field will receive all email notifications from election workers. This includes any changes made by election workers or requests for classes/work assignments are sent to the email addresses listed in this field.

Note: To configure your election mode for Super Voting sites, please email websupport@vrsystems.com.